Pleasure Island: Bar

The three friends had received invitations to come to Pleasure Island from a friend. What they didn't know was that this friend was actually an employee of Pleasure Island whose role was to recruit women for his island. The coachman needed jennies; he had too many unmanageable horny males, and the only option for him was to bring in mature girls capable of withstanding a complete transformation.

The poor girls arrived there without having the slightest chance of returning. It was their destiny: they were to become donkeys.

They had fun for several days, but when it was time to open the donkey ball, they were the first to change, probably by dint of getting fucked all over the island by all the guys they saw.

By dint of getting on all fours, they behaved like donkeys even before becoming ones.

Story by Thekingofmonkey
Artwork by Emanuele Parascandolo

High resolution (3300x5100)

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